Paul Dano filmed 80 takes in 2 days to be the perfect Riddler in The Batman

According to Paul Dano, “super hero fatigue” is good news

The interpreter of the Riddler in The Batman considers that since films are considered “content”, quantity has taken precedence over quality.

Interviewed by The Independent on the occasion of the broadcast on Netflix of The Spaceman, Paul Dano was questioned about his participation in The Batman, by Matt Reeves, a superhero blockbuster released in theaters in 2022 in which he played The Riddler. Admitting that he was not really attracted by this type of production, the actor explains that he signed because the script suggested that it would be about“a real movie”.

“There are so many superhero movies where you know exactly what you're going to get on screen, he explains. But reading the script of The Batman, I knew it would be a real film. Every sentence came directly from Matt Reeves.”

“It’s an interesting time in Hollywood where everyone has to ask themselves: 'Okay, now what?', he continues. Let's hope that from this moment on, someone manages to breathe new life into superhero films, or another genre of films, for that matter. I'm sure there will be more good ones in the future, but here we are at a turning point, and that's good news.”

“The question is broader than that, in fact, he concludes on this subject. Since the word 'content', whether in the field of films or series, has arrived, quantity takes precedence over quality, which is a serious error. I certainly don't need that, neither as a viewer, nor as an artist.”

Spaceman is “a hallucinatory space tale”, worn by Adam Sandler, in which Paul Dano lends his voice to… a space spider. Here is the trailer for this film with an astonishing concept, by Johan Renck (Chernobyl), which has just been released on Netflix:

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