After Antoinette (in the Cévennes), Laure Calamy plays Iris for Caroline Vignal (trailer)

After Antoinette (in the Cévennes), Laure Calamy plays Iris for Caroline Vignal (trailer)

Iris gets back on track by registering on a dating app, which will give a boost to her sex life.

After the success that met Antoinette in the Cévennes, Caroline Vignal demands the freedom toIris and men. In the main role, we find Laura Calamywho plays the imperfect couple with Vincent Elbaz in a comedy once again highlighting female desire.

Laure Calamy – Antoinette in the Cévennes: “The role was not written for me”

Iris has everything going for her: a wonderful husband, two perfect daughters and an accomplished professional life. The only downside is that Iris is no longer sexually stimulated. The couple’s sex life petered out over time. With a view to rekindling her sex appeal, Iris is diving into the deep end of dating apps where seduction is in full swing…

A new woman is born, Iris has blossomed since reconnecting with her desire. The Donjuanesque activities turn out to act like a Fountain of Youth for Iris who no longer knows where to turn, as the notifications pile up on her smartphone.

Iris and men will be in theaters on January 3, 2023.

Antoinette in the Cévennes: The Laure Calamy show (Review)

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