Artus denounces the contempt suffered by his casting, which will climb the steps of the Cannes Film Festival

Artus denounces the contempt suffered by his casting, which will climb the steps of the Cannes Film Festival

No major brand agreed to dress the Un p'tit truc en plus team!

“I was told things openly: that people did not want to see disabled people in the cinema!”confided Artus in the columns of Firstdenouncing the difficulty he had in finding the financing necessary for the production ofA little something extra, his first feature film. Just released in French cinemas, the comedy is a hit, breaking numerous records. A nice snub to all those doors that were slammed in his face.

A little something extra: the success of Artus' comedy in France is confirmed

However, it seems that the young director has won a battle but not the war. He announced last week, he and his team will climb the famous Cannes steps on May 22.

“There are eleven actors with disabilities (Boris Pitoëff, Marie Colin, Théophile Leroy, Mayane Sarah El Baze…) and four classics, four boring we'll say”he joked, citing Clovis Cornillac, Alice Belaïdi, Céline Groussard and himself.

“I've been telling production for a long time that I would like us to be able to get them up the stairs, because today, there are still a lot of influencers who are climbing the stairshe declares on the microphone of France Inter. (…) Even I have never put them together, while there are influencers who have already put them together ten times.”

“I wanted them to produce them, and I've been struggling with this for months, and now that the film has this success, I find it even more legitimatehe adds. The good thing is that they won't arrive in: 'Who are they? We don't know them on the steps, but in mode: 'It's the team of A little something extra'. I’m happy that they’re arriving as a bit of a star at Cannes.”

A dream which will therefore turn into reality, but not without disappointments. Asked about the costumes that he and his team will wear during the event, Artus revealed that no major brand had agreed to dress them, a tradition which is nevertheless a landmark on the Croisette, and which benefits as much the personalities who climb the steps only to those for whom they become the muses on the red carpet.

“It’s our costume designers from the film who will make them very beautiful costumes, make us very beautiful costumes and it will be very goodreveals Artus. (…) I do not understand why. They tell us quota stories and tell us: 'Ah but we've already lent all our costumes'. (…) I think it is always more elegant for a brand to dress Brad Pitt than to dress (…) Artus, already, but even more so actors with disabilities.”

A little something extra: a hilarious comedy… about disability (review)

A disappointment for the artist, but which does not surprise him. Realistic, he is aware that he “glue” not up to the standard promoted by the Festival:

“I hope that it will evolve little by little, but we are still sure: 'We're doing comedy'. I do comedy: we're in Cannes, it's not… Cannes, the Césars, they like it because we make films that work, which allow them to make more auteur films, but then we Don’t mix the cloths and napkins.”

Waiting for, A little something extra continues to achieve remarkable scores in theaters. Here is the trailer for the film:

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