Audrey Fleurot discusses the end of HPI at Séries Mania

Audrey Fleurot discusses the end of HPI at Séries Mania

“It’s not a series that can be renewed forever,” confided the star of the TF1 series.

Exceptional guest of the festival Series Mania 2024the actress Audrey Fleurot is in Lille this weekend, to present the first two episodes of season 4 of HPI, still being filmed (the last two episodes will remain to be filmed soon). A season 4 expected later this year on TF1 and which could well be the penultimate.

Indeed, the thriller which is a hit and has achieved the best audiences on the small screen (excluding sports) in recent years could well end with season 5. Nothing has been decided yet, but Audrey Fleurot confided this Saturday in Lille that the series should “stop before we tire people.” Without give a date or more precision on the calendar, it estimates:

HPI must leave, frustrating the fans… And then I believe that this is not a series that can be renewed forever. We are not going to put Morgane in trouble again and again.”

Above all, the actress mentions “this love story with Karadec“, at the center of the intrigues and “which will be decisive“, for the end of HPI. Audrey Fleurot thus refers to the famous syndrome Moonlightnamed after this flagship detective series of the 1980s, whose audiences plummeted when the romance between the two heroes materialized on screen: “Once Bruce Willis and Cybil Shepherd got together, people couldn't care less about the show! So, the aspect “they lived happily and had many children”, it’s not really possible to do a season on that in my opinion.”

Implied: HPI will stop when Morgane and Karadec take the plunge. Or not.

Because, the star also suggests that she does not want a blue flower happy ending agreed for her heroine: “Morgane is a very non-conformist character. What do we wish for him? Where do we want to take him? These are the kinds of questions we are asking ourselves at the moment. We talk about it together with the creators, the producers. I would like Morgane to invent a family that we haven't been able to invent in real life. What could she imagine as a new family? Basically, I don't wish him the norm! We want her to be smarter than us… She has an IQ of 160, that has to be useful for something!

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