Cillian Murphy loved playing Rachel McAdams, 'but the movie wasn't good'

Cillian Murphy loved playing Rachel McAdams, ‘but the movie wasn’t good’

“I didn’t think I gave a very nuanced performance, but, if people like the movie, that’s great. I’m happy with that,” Cillian Murphy said.

The flight by Red Eye: Under High Voltage (2005), never took off for Cillian Murphy, on the poster for the film. Directed by the director of the best nightmares, The Claws of the Night and the trilogy Scream, Wes Craventhe aerial thriller did not conquer the hearts of Cillian Murphy which ranks it with the rank of “series B“, despite the presence of Rachel McAdams on the screen. The interpreter of the father of the atomic bomb, looked at his filmography for the magazine GQ. He declared that he had not viewed “a lot” of his films.

Generally, the ones I haven’t seen are the ones I consider bad, he explains, although he has watched Red Eye: Under high voltage. I love Rachel McAdams and we had fun acting, but I don’t think it’s a good movie. It’s a B series.”

The pitch?

Lisa Reisert is terrified of flying, but the horror that awaits her on this night flight to Miami has nothing to do with her phobia. As she takes her place in the craft, she is pleasantly surprised to find Jackson, the charming young man with whom she had a drink before boarding. However, a few moments after takeoff, the latter drops the mask and reveals the real reason for his presence on board: he is participating in a plot to kill the deputy secretary for national security…and Lisa is the key to his success . If she refuses to cooperate, her own father will be eliminated by a killer who is just waiting for a call from Jackson.

The 47-year-old actor also noted the one aspect of the project that attracted him: “II think it’s this duality. That’s why I wanted to participate. The good guy and the bad guy are one“, he said of his character, an initially charming man sitting next to the character of Rachel McAdams on a long flight, whose intentions are revealed when the plane takes off.

The only reason I liked it was because a turnaround was possible, you know?

Rachel McAdams came on board after exploding into the role of the most detestable of Mean Girls (2004): Regina George. The actress also spoke about her role with Cillian Murphy :

They say that the nicest people sometimes make the best villains. We listened to music and chatted while doing the crosswords, which he brought in every day, and he graciously let me intervene. I think the first question I had about Cillian at the time was whether he wore contact lenses.”

Rachel McAdams is excellent in it, declared Cillian Murphy in 2021, but I didn’t think I gave a very nuanced performance. If people like the movie, that’s great. I’m happy about that. I’m less hard on myself now when I look at things. I am less hypercritical of my work.

Despite his rejection for Red Eyethe film was a commercial success, grossing nearly $100 million worldwide on a budget of $26 million.

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