David Lynch makes mysterious announcement for June 5

David Lynch makes mysterious announcement for June 5

“Ladies and gentlemen, something is coming…”

This is without a doubt the most minimalist teaser in history! David Lynch has just shared an enigmatic video on social networks, announcing the release of a mysterious project, for Wednesday June 5, 2024.

Ladies and gentlemen, something is coming… Something you will be able to see and hear“, says the filmmaker.

What is it about ? What is this mystery project that will arrive before our amazed eyes next week?

The famous director of Twin Peaks And Mulholland Drive hasn't made a film in two decades and Inland EmpireEdit in 2006. He filmed season 3 of Twin Peaks almost 10 years ago and since then he has released a few lunar short films here and there. In the last news, David Lynch hoped to produce an animated film Snootworlda long-held dream, which is struggling to come true.

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