Donald Trump tries to prevent the release of The Apprentice in the United States

Donald Trump tries to prevent the release of The Apprentice in the United States

The former President's campaign lawyers are trying to put pressure on director Ali Abbasi.

If The Apprentice didn't win anything at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, the film is already causing a lot of talk across the Atlantic. And for good reason, he paints in a scathing way the youth of Donald Trump. So the ex-president's lawyers are trying to prevent the film made by Ali Abbasi to go out on American soil. They sent a cease and desist letter to the producers of The Apprentice as the film continues to seek support in the United States.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the film's producers continue to support the upcoming project despite the letter in question and say the film doesn't do anything wrong that would warrant legal intervention.

The letter is just one step in several steps taken by Trump's team of lawyers to try to prevent the film's release. Previously, members of Trump's presidential campaign had threatened Abbasi with legal action.

In The ApprenticeSebastian Stan plays a young Donald Trumpand Jeremy Strong plays Roy Cohn, Trump's mentor.

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