Evil ends: season 4 will be the last

Evil ends: season 4 will be the last

Four bonus episodes have been ordered to conclude this excellent mystical-religious drama as it should.

Is this another blow from the devil? Or Leeland? In any case, Evil will end! The excellent mystical-religious horror drama will end after season 4, confirm the creators and showrunners of the series, Robert and Michelle King.

Fortunately, Evil is not going to end without a conclusion! A real ending will be able to be filmed since Paramount has ordered four additional episodes for this fourth season in order to allow a satisfactory epilogue to this psychological and paranormal thriller, which is still far from having delivered all its answers.

“We want to thank Paramount+ for giving us four bonus episodes to end evil in the world in style. We will miss this show and this cast. In many ways, this was a dream project, but unfortunately, evil will survive the evil. See you in May” tease the King, who slip in a first little teaser of this final season.

Season 4 ofEvil will therefore have 14 episodes in total and will be available to watch in May on Paramount+ in France.

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