Florence Loiret-Caille must keep Cool Head (trailer)

Florence Loiret-Caille must keep Cool Head (trailer)

Stéphane Marchetti’s first feature-length fiction film focuses on the theme of smugglers.

Anchored in a social and naturalist approach, The Cold Head recounts Marie’s struggles (Florence Loiret-Caille), 45 years old, living in an isolated area in the Alps. To make ends meet, she trafficks cartons of cigarettes with the help of her police lover Alex (Jonathan Couzinié) on the Franco-Italian border. Her business is turned upside down the day she meets Souleymane (Saabo Balde), an illegal refugee who is desperately trying to reach his sister. Attracted by easy money, Marie will expand her activity by becoming a courier.

First feature-length fiction film Stéphane Marchetti, The Cold Head continues to explore a subject dear to the filmmaker who has already made several documentaries since 2006, including one on migrants stuck in Calais in 2017. In the trailer, it is the smugglers who are the main subject of the film. Florence Loiret-Caille (I loved it, The Legends Office) interprets a woman not motivated by humanist values ​​but pushed to the limit and in dire need of money, whatever the cost. The tone of the trailer announces a heavy and tense atmosphere, close to a social thriller, reinforced by the cold setting of the snowy Alps. The Cold Head will be released in cinemas on January 17, 2024.

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