Guilt and Suspicion: discover the two erased emotions of Vice-Versa 2

Guilt and Suspicion: discover the two erased emotions of Vice-Versa 2

Some drawings have just been published, to show what two new emotions could have looked like which were ultimately not kept.

Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust and Anger have returned in Vice-Versa 2, accompanied by four new emotions, named Anxiety, Embarrassment, Envy and Boredom. Except that originally, the film was supposed to present nine new emotions, overwhelming poor Riley.

But the director Kelsey Mann chose to cut several, to gain fluidity. We discover some rejected characters thanks to these artistic concepts published by Pixar and Crystal Kung, the character designer, on Instagram. Here is Guilt and Suspicion!

These illustrations present several different ideas of these abandoned emotions. Guilt would have appeared with a weight in the literal sense, in the form of a backpack or a ball and chain. Suspicion would have looked like a detective in a raincoat. The designer also reveals some sketches of a third cut emotion: Admiration, which could have taken the form of an amazed baby (see below).

We also know that another cut emotion was “Shame”, removed to prevent the film from becoming too dark. “The problem was that she wasn’t fun, everything that was happening with her was too heavy.”justifies Mann about his ouster.

In any case, even without these emotions, Vice-Versa 2 has been a historic hit at the box office since its release.

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