Completely crazy cameos in Deadpool 3?

Hugh Jackman celebrates the end of Deadpool 3 filming at the barbershop

“It’s time to shave,” the actor announced on his Instagram account.

Delayed by the historic strike of screenwriters and actors in Hollywood, the filming of Deadpool 3 is finally finished. Ryan Reynolds announced a huge surprise to his fans several months ago: Hugh Jackman would be back as Wolverine. Several photos from the shoot later revealed the actor’s appearance and costume: the clawed mutant’s iconic yellow jumpsuit.

On his Instagram account, Hugh Jackman posted a video at the barber in which he shaves the famous sideburns worn by Wolverine. He takes this opportunity to warmly thank all his collaborators: “What an adventure ! I loved every minute of making this film. Well… not the 4 a.m. workout or steamed fish and vegetables 4 x a day for 6 months but the other 93.2%.

A collective thank you to all the cast and crew. You are all aces! If you’re reading this and think I’m talking about you, I am. To two of my best friends Ryan Reynolds And Shawn Levy (the film’s director) I literally couldn’t have done this without you. LITERALLY ! July 26 can’t come soon enough. It’s time to shave”, writes the star.

Ryan Reynolds promised a slew of cameos, each one crazier than the last. Thanks to the love of his audience and the relationship he maintains with his fans, Deadpool 3 could well be the first superhero film to avoid spectator indigestion for the MCU. Deadpool 3 will arrive on our cinema screens on July 24, 2024, two days before the United States.

Ryan Reynolds announces the end of filming for Deadpool 3

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