Jodie Foster takes on the “annoying” new generation of actors

Jodie Foster takes on the “annoying” new generation of actors

“Especially at work!”, specifies the Silence of the Lambs actress, with supporting examples.

During an interview for The Guardianthe actress Jodie Fosterstarring in the biopic Unsinkable on Netflix, and the next season of True Detective for HBO, expressed her opinion on Gen Z actors. According to her, they are a little too picky about working conditions: “They are very annoying, especially at work. They are in fashion ‘Nah, I’m not feeling it today, I’ll come at 10:30,’” she laughs.

Also attacking them for their lack of rigor in written expression, which would lack professionalism, she gives another example: “In the emails, I tell them that everything is grammatically incorrect, and I ask if they have proofread? And they answer ‘Why should I do this? Isn’t that a bit limiting?’”

The actress nevertheless knows how to put things into perspective and in no way condemns young people as a whole. On the contrary, having herself started her career in her childhood, she makes it her mission to meet young actors and support them. Recently, for example, she contacted Bella Ramseythe flagship actress of The Last of Us to meet her.

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They must learn to relax, not to think about it too much, to invent something of their own”, she explains, evoking the fears of young actors in relation to their profession. “I can help them find that, which is much more fun than being, with all the pressure behind it, the protagonist of the story”, she concludes.

Unsinkable tells the story of athlete Diana Nyad, who is 60 years old, decides to swim 160 kilometers in Cuba and Florida. Season 4 of True Detectiveset in the frozen hell of Alaska, will be released on January 14, 2024 on HBO.

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