John Wick 4: Chad Stahelski is preparing a director's cut

John Wick 4: Chad Stahelski is preparing a director’s cut

This long version will have an additional 15 minutes, and will introduce a brand new character.

You found the last John Wick a little bit too long ? However, 2:39 is nothing compared to what Chad Stahelski had planned at the start. The first version of the edit was actually around four hours long. In other words, extra scenes, the director has a slew of them under his arm. With all this material, how can you resist the urge to broadcast a long version?

Chad Stahelski recently announced that he is currently finalizing a director’s cut. On the other hand, it will not integrate the whole hour of plans at its disposal. No, this version will be only 15 minutes longer than the film released in theaters on March 22. This little bonus will notably introduce a new character who does not appear in the original feature film.

“We’re almost done (…) We cut a big chunk of the part in Berlin. A brand new character called The Frau has a pretty funny scene with John (Wick) another with Tracker, and a fight scene too ”Chad Stahelski told ComicBookMovie. “There are always scenes that we just take out because it doesn’t fit. But I find them great, I like the fight choreographies, I love the characters. Just integrating them was changing the rhythm of the film”. adds the director.

Will we also see the number of deaths increase during these few bonus minutes? This would indeed be the occasion for John Wick to beat his own record of enemies killed, held in the Chapter 2 (128 dead). More than three and John Wick 4 will become the deadliest part of the saga. This should also enchant Oliver Stone who has adored this fourth opus. Just a few days ago, the director of born killers called the film “disgusting”. “And as a war veteran, I have to tell you that none of these deaths are believable”he added.

No information has yet been given regarding the release of this director’s cut.

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