Mélanie Laurent: “I changed my life the day I stopped reading reviews!”

Mélanie Laurent: “I changed my life the day I stopped reading reviews!”

The actress and director confides in Première, pushed by Isabelle Adjani.

Melanie Laurent, Isabelle Adjani, Manon Bresch And Adèle Exarchopoulos. are on the cover of the new First (No. 545). After sharing an extract from their four-way interview devoted to the making of Thieveswhich is according to its director in line with Fools’ Ball, in its girly action movie trappings; as well as another passage where she mentions behind the scenes of Black Widowa Marvel blockbuster that she almost made, we publish below an exchange between the latter Adjani.

What is Thieves by Mélanie Laurent worth on Netflix? (critical)

Asked about the fact that being an actress sometimes means being the object of others’ gaze, the star of The murderous summer and of Possession take this opportunity to salute the talent of Mélanie Laurent, who knew how to put all her teammates at ease on the set of Thieves : “The peaceful feeling that reigned in this film is the work of Mélanie”she immediately tells us about this new staging after The Adoptees Or Breathe. Known for her outspokenness, which may have earned her criticism, the director then discusses the evolution of her vision of cinema, and of her own career.

Being an actress also means being the object of others’ gaze. Can this look damage you? Push you less ” give “to use Adèle’s expression, and take fewer blows?
Isabelle Adjani: Are you talking about Mélanie there? (Smiles.)
For me, she is a gifted person whose talent is expressed in very different fields and that is never well seen in France. She suffered from the wealth of her possibilities. We are so accustomed to having to choose, to having to compartmentalize. But Mélanie is there as she wants and where she wants. I know it could have been difficult for her at times because of the jealousy and judgment. Fortunately, her strength of independence surpasses anything she has endured. Too bad for the others…

We could also say that about you, right?
IA: In any case, I have rarely been where I was expected and that comes at a cost…

Did you suffer from it?
IA: I often had to do my mea culpa because I didn’t fit the mold. And it was unpleasant every time. Camille Claudel would never have seen the light of day if I had not been the victim of this AIDS rumor that I had to lower myself to deny on a TV news set. This film by Bruno Nuytten was a form of resurrection for me. It allowed me to sublimate this trauma. This repair through art has also become my vital substance. Without that, I would surely have collapsed. I gave an artist back her memory, and this artist in return gave me back to life. I experienced certain films as resuscitations. It’s a strong word but it conveys an essential feeling.

Mélanie, for you too, was cinema a resuscitation?
Mélanie Laurent: In any case, my life changed the day I stopped reading reviews! And then, quite early on, I decided not to be present on social networks or to go live on an island, far from Paris… (Turning towards Adèle.) Because yes, I live on my island. (Laughs.) I made certain decisions that led me to live apart. I believe that an artist can achieve incredible freedom from the moment he is freed from certain constraints and can freely make proposals. (…)

To read more, meet at the kiosks : THE First from November 2023 is already available. Good reading !

Here is the trailer for Thievesto watch on Netflix:

Le Bal des Folles: Mélanie Laurent films the women’s choir (review)

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