Murder or suicide?  Did Justine Triet make a huge revelation on Anatomy of a Fall?

Murder or suicide? Did Justine Triet make a huge revelation on Anatomy of a Fall?

The director promised during the Golden Globes to only give the solution “in ten years”, but her speech nevertheless seems to settle the question.

Beware of spoilers! The following article covers the entire plot ofAnatomy of a fall, which received two Golden Globes this weekend: best original screenplay and best foreign language film. Two prestigious awards received by its director and co-writer, Justine Triet.

“It’s a radical and dark film, she said on stage while thanking her life and writing partner, Arthur Harari, with whom she imagined this story during confinement. We said to ourselves that no one would want to see this film, that it was too long, with these characters who talk all the time, without a soundtrack, this couple who bicker, a suicide, a dog who vomits…”

Anatomy of a Fall by Justine Triet scores a historic double at the Golden Globes

These words suggest that Justine Triet has made her choice, even if the ending of her film remains open. She does not mention here the potential murder of Sandra Voyter (Sandra Hüller) against her husband Samuel Maleski (Samuel Theis), but only speaks of suicide. Did she let the end of the story slip?

A few moments after her victory, Justine Triet assured in the press room that she did not intend to give her version of the facts for a decade. “I made my decision with my co-author, yes, she responded to the journalists present, notably Entertainment Weekly. But it was very important for us not to talk about it on set, nor with the actors, so that the point of view of the film remained ambiguous. For example, she may not have killed him, but she may have in some way driven him to commit suicide. There are plenty of possibilities. It’s not all black and white.”

It was there that she swore not to want to give the answer any time soon, to a speaker asking her as she was about to leave the room: “Did she kill him?” “I’ll tell you in ten years”she said as she left.

Anatomy of a fall: an exciting Palme (review)

Is the fact of only mentioning the husband’s potential suicide during his speech a revelation? His words were thus understood by part of the public, even if the film once again remains very ambiguous on the question.

Here is the trailer forAnatomy of a fallnow available on DVD, blu-ray and VOD:

Justine Triet tells us in detail about the adventure of Anatomy of a Fall

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