Sacha Baron Cohen will resurrect Ali G for a new film

Sacha Baron Cohen will resurrect Ali G for a new film

A secret project is said to be in preparation.

In 2020, Sacha Baron Cohen had come out Borat out of the closet for a second film. This time it’s Ali G. A pastiche of a rich rebel who thinks he is a “gangsta”, this character was the first to make the English actor known. Launched in a program on Channel 4 across the Channel in 1998, he was then the star of the Da Ali G Show in 2000, even making an appearance in the music video Music of Madonna. Consecration in 2002, when Ali G was entitled to his film at the cinema, offering a leading role to Sacha Baron Cohen.

Two decades later, the actor wants to put on his shiny gold chain. In a recent episode of The Hot Mic podcast with Jeff Sneider and John Rocha, Sacha Baron Cohen announced that he would be reprising his role as‘Ali G in a new movie:

Sacha Baron Cohen will bring back his characterAli G ! Something is afoot… They made Borat 2 incredibly secretly. So it’s pretty crazy how he can keep everything under lock and key… But I heard there’s something going on aroundAli G“. We do not know more yet.

let’s remember that Sacha Baron Cohen had brought the character back to the Oscars stage in 2016 … without telling anyone.

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