Samy Naceri absent from Taxi 5: the actor gives his version of the facts

Samy Naceri absent from Taxi 5: the actor gives his version of the facts

“I simply expected a minimum of respect with the 30 years of cinema under my belt,” explains the Taxi star.

This article was originally published in spring 2018. We are sharing it on the occasion of the rebroadcast of Taxi 5this evening on TMC.

On the cover of the issue of First from March 2018, Franck Gastambide detailed how he found himself in charge of Taxi 5the latest episode of the successful saga produced by Luc Besson. During our long interview, he returned in particular to the absence of Samy Naceri to the casting, detailing that he would have liked to offer him an appearance: “In my first treatment, Samy had a real role: he arrived at the end of the film to help us resolve the story. Luc (Besson) told me that the character couldn’t have such an important place because we needed a new duo of heroes and for it to be their film. We couldn’t rely on the elders.”

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The director then thought about a cameo, a quick nod to the origins of the saga, but there, it was Samy Naceri who refused: “He did not want to accept a simple appearancehe regrets. We respected his decision. I’m sad about it because I would have loved to offer that to the public.”

Why Samy Naceri is absent from the cast of Taxi 5 La Relève

Now, the actor gives his version of the facts on Twitterduring a message titled “2nd truth”, where he confirms that he did refuse to play in this sequel, because he considered the team’s offer disrespectful. Here is his message:

How does Taxi 5 manage the legacy of the Taxi saga?

The trailer for Taxi 5 :

Taxi 5 can also be seen on Première Max

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