Season 2 of Mare of Easttown returns to the table

Season 2 of Mare of Easttown returns to the table

HBO confirms that it is considering launching a sequel.

HBO has been toying around the idea of ​​a season 2 of Mare of Easttown. This time, the project seems to be in sight.

Francesca Orsi, head of HBO dramas, told Variety today that the first discussions about a sequel, after the mini-series' success at the Emmy Awards in 2021, came too soon: “We rushed to discuss a season 2. But it seemed too soon actually.”

HBO therefore put the handbrake on for a while. But today the subject Mare of Easttown 2 returns to the table:

“If nothing is in preparation, we are already discussing. We wonder (at HB0) if it is not time to start thinking about building something… A sequel in which we could possibly find Mare, years later. We would pick up his story…”

The idea circulating would therefore be to carry out a new investigation led by Mare Sheehan and Kate Winsletwhich will not have a direct link with the previous one. “We wouldn't just pick up where the first series left off. But years later. Years have passed for the character. So who is she now?”

The head of HBO concludes by discussing future discussions with Kate Winslet And Brad Ingelsby (the creator) “to see if it's really possible for everyone to say yes again!Mare of Easttown 2 will therefore not be released tomorrow.

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