Sigourney Weaver soon in the Star Wars universe?

Sigourney Weaver soon in the Star Wars universe?

The star of Alien, Ghostbusters and Avatar continues in sci-fi: she is being courted for the film The Mandalorian & Grogu.

The latest newsletter from Hollywood reporter Jeff Sneider announces that for his big screen adaptation of his series The MadalorianJon Favreau would like to hire Sigourney Weaver. The flagship actress of the saga Alienvery comfortable in science fiction universes, since she was also at the heart of Ghostbusters Or Avatarreportedly in talks to join the blockbuster The Mandalorian & Grogu.

We obviously know nothing about his potential role for the moment, Lucasfilm and Disney keen to keep their productions secret as long as possible. Star Warsbut the information being relayed by the very serious Variety Or The Hollywood Reporterit seems credible and could be quickly confirmed.

At the movie theater, The Mandalorian & Grogu is in any case the priority of the studio, which intends to produce this film before the one dedicated to Rey (Daisy Ridley). This will be the first feature film in the saga to be released in cinemas since The Rise of Skywalkerin 2019.

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