Sofia Boutella took the criticism of Rebel Moon badly: “I will defend it to the end”

Sofia Boutella took the criticism of Rebel Moon badly: “I will defend it to the end”

Sofia Boutella does not budge, she will support Rebel Moon despite the diatribes towards Zack Snyder's new universe.

Sofia Boutellaconfided to Vulture the difficulty of enduring criticism Rebel Moon Part 1: Child of Fire. Released on Netflix on December 22, the science fiction feature film is the fruit of the passion of Zack Snyder. The two-part space opera follows an elite ex-warrior who strives to preserve a peaceful agricultural planet from the designs of an intergalactic empire. The second episode, Rebel Moon: The Slashershould arrive on the Netflix planet in April.

I always thought I was armored, ready to take a beating, then I read the reviews on Rebel Moon and it really affected me, Boutella said of the overwhelmingly negative reviews. I'll be honest about it, I feel like I owe it to everyone who cares about it, and that's what affected me. It's not about me. I was lucky, people liked my performance, but the film was criticized.

Rebel Moon promised to be the new saga Star Warsone Zack Snyder had officially proposed to Lucasfilm.

I am touched for those who put their hearts into it, who worked hard, with the sweat of their brows in this project. It's hard to see the film get torn down like this. I am proud to have participated, if there are no more Rebel Moonit will remain an important stage of my life, which I will defend forever”said the actress.

Boutella did not fail to address the duality of his character and his future evolution in the second part.

Regarding Kora's journey in Rebel Moon, I think I captured moments of vulnerability in certain scenes that weren’t written. The beauty of working with Zack is that he allows me to go where I want (…) In the second film, we discover something about his past, it was interesting to explore, but I don't don't know how to forgive the character. How do you manage to live with yourself after that? She carries a huge amount of guilt on her shoulders, you have to see that…

Rebel Moon Part 2: The Slasher should normally come out April 19 on Netflix. Not to mention that Zack Snyder is also preparing a director's cut.

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