Sophie Marceau on Gérard Depardieu: "At the time, they didn't listen to me! I was the 'big bitch'"

Sophie Marceau on Gérard Depardieu: “At the time, they didn't listen to me! I was the 'big bitch'”

“He didn’t rape me or hit me, but he made very inappropriate gestures,” denounces the actress. Sophie Marceau salutes the courage of Judith Godrèche after her speech and her speech at the César ceremony.

During an interview for French Vogue, Sophie Marceau looked at the recent freedom of speech in the world of cinema. A new wave #MeToo (men and women) has somewhat shaken the 7th art, since Judith Godreche accused Benoît Jacquother ex-partner, and Jacques Doillon to have used their “blanket” directors to exercise unhealthy domination over her, while she was a minor.

Propelled at the age of 13 by the resounding The party, Sophie Marceau is also an actress who grew up in the spotlight. The French public has seen her grow and evolve to the rhythm of film projects. Without tongue in cheek, she candidly addresses the systemic escapades of the environment:

We are talking about what's behind the scenes, what was hidden. As a result, we understand better the world we lived in at the time. Because, when we are kids, when we start, we are not in the analysis. We live in the present moment. We are neither warned nor seasoned. We struggle with it, we manage.

Sophie Marceau had the opportunity to begin a career as a director, with Tell me about lovewith Judith Godreche. The actress-director returns to her colleague's revelations:

She is brave, Judith. She puts her foot down. We need to talk ! She's right. Directing was a bit of an obligatory step for me. I didn't know anything about what happened to him but, in hindsight, I understand why he liked my scenario.

At the end of December 2023, Sophie Marceau reacted at Paris Match to the accusations including Gérard Depardieu is the subject and the petition posted online following this uproar. The actress had the opportunity to share the poster with the colossus in Fort Saganne (available on FirstMax) And Police (1985) Maurice Pialat.

She declared in December 2023: “I said publicly at the time that I could not stand his attitude, which was rude and very inappropriate. Many people then turned against me, making me look like a little pest. And I always refused films with him afterwards (…) Vulgarity and provocation have always been his stock in trade.

Today, she testifies again about her experience with the actor:

Yes, but at the time no one listened to me! I was the little devil, “the big bitch” as Maurice Pialat and Gérard Depardieu had nicely said on TV. And it didn’t shock anyone! Lots of directors told me afterwards that, at the time, they thought they would never film with me. The agreed word was to say: “How she treats her director…” I have not been blacklisted but I believe that many have been cooled.

She adds :

Gérard Depardieu, on Police, it was a different story. He was elsewhere. I had known him on Fort Saganne, where he had been great. When I accepted Pialat’s film, I said to myself: “There will be no problem, there is Depardieu next to me and he will help me.” And no! It was terrible.

He's versatile, Gérard. During Fort Saganne, he was good-natured, funny, outspoken, but I don't remember him as someone shocking or provocative. Gérard is tough and I think the system really encouraged him to persevere. Because the cinema loved this personality, this nature, this truth, as they said. He turned into Mister Hyde on Police. It was a matter of who would cause the greatest chaos. He was very badly brought up, badly polite. He didn't rape me or hit me, but he made very inappropriate gestures. It was nothing but provocation, humiliation, a seizure of power. And all this under the pretext of laughing… Afterwards, I no longer wanted to film with him. Never. I found that he went beyond his limits but that the others who let him go beyond them too. Everyone was playing their game.”

The journalist questions the actress on the reasons for excusing this “movie monster” for its differences:

So yes, he comes from a tough background where people are perhaps not as offended by attacks. But we cannot stay in the Stone Age. We have to stop believing that we are not responsible for what we do because we had a difficult childhood. I come from the city, for me too, life was harder than that of most people who do this job. People often tell me: “But you’re tough.” It's not me who's tough, it's the others who are soft in the knees. And life is rarely a path of roses“, she says.

Today, Sophie Marceau took a step back from her acting career. She is the author of The Underground, a collection of texts and poems, published by Seghers. She is also featured in Notea play with François Berléand.

César 2024 – Judith Godrèche: “For some time now, I have been talking, but I can’t hear you”

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