Star Wars: Ahsoka's Mysterious Inquisitor Warrior Reveals

Star Wars: Ahsoka’s Mysterious Inquisitor Warrior Reveals

Discover Marrok, mercenary of the dark side…

His identity questioned the fans of Star Wars for several weeks and the release of the trailer. The identity of the mysterious Inquisitor who should appear in Ahsokathe next Disney+ series, has just been revealed.

The official site of Star Wars we learn today that the inquisitor in question is called Marrok. Moreover, he is no longer an inquisitor, and now works for Morgan Elsbeth, former Empire and disciple of Grand Admiral Thrawn, defeated by Ahsoka Tano in “Chapter 13” of season 2 of The Mandalorian (in 2020).

Previously an Inquisitor hunting Jedi for the Empire, the mysterious Marrok now works as a mercenary, hired by Morgan Elsbeth to perform dark deeds., reads the official description of the character. “Fully encased in dented battle armor, the warrior still carries a red double-bladed saber with a circular hilt.”

This already promises a biblical fight with Ahsokawhen the series Star Wars will arrive on Disney+ on August 23rd.

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