Summary of Premiere n°544: Napoleon, Ridley Scott, Martin Scorsese, Pamela Rose, Bruce Lee, The Animal Kingdom...

Summary of Premiere n°544: Napoleon, Ridley Scott, Martin Scorsese, Pamela Rose, Bruce Lee, The Animal Kingdom…

The October issue hits newsstands this Wednesday. With the biopic of the French Emperor on the cover.

Napoleonembodied by Joaquin Phoenixis on the cover of the new First. Within our special file dedicated to the film of Ridley Scottthe director confides in his reunion with the actor of Gladiatorbut also on what pushed him to become interested in this controversial historical figure.

Napoleon: Ridley Scott goes behind the scenes of his biopic (photos excluded)

First also met Eric Toledano And Olivier Nakache to talk about their return to cinema after the television experience In Therapy. In October, the duoUntouchables comes back with A difficult yearworn by Jonathan Coen. Meeting with David Grannthe author of Killers of the Flower Moonwho details how his collaboration with Martin Scorsese to adapt his historical book.

The editorial team also invites you to the filming of series Pamela Rosestill designed by Kad and Olivier, and offers you three focuses on important films of the moment: The Creatornew SF story from the director of Rogue One, Gareth Edwards, The Animal Kingdoman ambitious French genre production by Thomas Cailley (The fighters) And Bernadettebiopic of the wife of Jacques Chirac directed by Léa Domenach (Young and Golri). Two portraits are on the program: that of Caleb Landry Jonesfascinating leading role in Dogmanof Luc Bessonand D’Arieh Worthalter, remarkable in The Goldman Trial.

On the classic side, First looks back on the career of Bruce Leewho died 50 years ago, and invites you to dive back into the creation of Last emperor, of Bernardo Bertolucci. The event films chronicled, in addition to those mentioned above, are called Stroke of luck, Zero Club, Lost Country, The Rapture, Anselm (the sound of time), Linda wants chicken
Among the new releases in streaming and VOD, zoom on Margaret, The Dive Or The count. And in series we come back to The Continentalderived from John Wickon the final season of Sex Education or even on Irresistible.

In this new issue, it is Kyle Eastwoodwho has just released an album reinventing film music linked to Clint, which lends itself to the game of “Film that…”

Good reading !

Here is the editorial of this issue n°544:

Star Track

The strike drags on and the seventh art is in PLS. Casually, autumn could be complicated. One photo summed up the problem perfectly. On the Venetian red carpet, a pigeon walks with its head nodding. The woodpigeon is machine-gunned by photographers who wait as best they can. Everyone looks…at emptiness.

Without actors and actresses, the industry seems threatened. First, the promotion is at half mast. Actors can no longer appear in the media and when they do, they are only allowed to talk about the film that is being released. Filming is on hiatus – and we prefer not to think about the forced diet that awaits us next summer…

And then there is the economy of festivals, inevitably impacted by the absence of icons. “Obviously” ? Not so fast. If Venice had difficulty existing without the glitter, it is clear that in France it was a little more contrasting. In Deauville this year, the Americans were absent. However, the rooms were full. Plus 20% attendance: proof that festival-goers did not come to see Peter Dinklage or Jude Law (who remained in the US) but to go to the cinema. Discover independent films, often first films, with sensitive subjects and a radical form.

While for the past ten years, the death of star value has been announced, while intellectual properties, franchises and brands of all kinds seem to have taken control of Hollywood, it is perhaps the moment to overthrow paradigm. Do the stars make the films? What if the real stars were the films?

Gaël Golhen, editor-in-chief

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