The Jon Snow series is canceled, the Game of Thrones sequel will not be made

The Jon Snow series is canceled, the Game of Thrones sequel will not be made

Kit Harington announces: “Currently, the series is no longer in development.”

As the past of Westeros is explored at length and breadth, with House of the Dragon and soon the series Dunk & Eggthe future of the 7 Kingdoms will remain a mystery.

According to Kit Haringtonthe series dedicated to Jon Snow, which was to tell of his journey to the great North teased in the last moments of the finale of the original series, will not happen. HBO has reportedly ended development on the project.

In an interview with ScreenRant, he explains: “I never really talked about it because the show was in development. I didn't want to reveal anything so people wouldn't start theorizing, either getting excited or hating it. idea. While the project risked never being done… Because in development, it just means that we look at all angles and see if it's worth it.”

And precisely, according to the actor, they did not find an exciting angle to make a Jon Snow series which is worth it. The project would not bemore on the table” at HBO.

“Currently the series is no longer in development. It's no longer on the agenda because we all didn't find the right story to tell when we were all sufficiently excited about it. So we decided to put it in a drawer for now. Maybe in the future we'll come back to it, but for now, no. It's firmly at the bottom of the drawer.”

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