When Hobbs & Shaw spoils the end of Game of Thrones!

The last two seasons of Game of Thrones were supposed to be movies

A theatrical trilogy was desired by the creators, but HBO refused.

Could this have saved the end of Game Of Thrones ? According to David Benioff, the conclusion of the cult series should have been done in the cinema, in the form of a fabulous fantasy trilogy.

In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, the former showrunner of Game Of Thrones confirms that he and DB Weiss had in mind to compile the last two seasons into three separate films. But HBO said no.

The network’s executives were apparently not interested in a theatrical transposition of their television phenomenon, preferring good audiences and new subscriptions to theatrical revenues. “We were reminded that HBO stands for “Home Box Office” not “Away Box Office”explains Benioff.

The Wall Street Journal specifies that the duo of Game Of Thrones was often at odds with HBO’s owners at the time, US telecommunications giant AT&T, who once even asked if Game Of Thrones could be rotated vertically to fit the series on a phone. The company has also openly discussed the idea of ​​making mini-episodes to snack on via mobile…

The opposite of the cinematographic vision that the duo behind the series dreamed of.

We must remember that the literary saga The iron Throne is supposed to span 7 books, but that HBO had chosen at the time to cut the final volume – and therefore the final season – into two parts, seasons 7 and 8, comprising respectively 7 and 6 episodes, which would certainly have was able to make an impressive film trilogy.

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