The Netflix documentary on the Outreau affair plunges us into the heart of a French nightmare (trailer)

The Netflix documentary on the Outreau affair plunges us into the heart of a French nightmare (trailer)

This particularly murky case of rape of minors led to an unprecedented legal scandal…

After Dahmer, Gregory, or The Fourniret affair: in the head of Monique Olivierthe streaming platform Netflixlooks at the “unprecedented legal disaster“, as the President of the Republic at the time described it, Jacques Chirac.

The case ? A couple, Thierry Delay And Myriam Badoui have three children and live in the Tour du Renard in Outreau, in the North. He is a dim-witted man who puts his three sons through hell. Accomplice of the unspeakable vices of his companion, Myriam Badaoui will turn the case into a real legal fiasco, through his lies and his perversion. 14 innocent people will be accused of the worst, rape, torture of minors – their wrong? Live in or near the Fox Tower.

In this trailer, testimonies and archive images will take us closer to the horror. The explosion of drama is twofold. Firstly, minors, victims of rape, then victims wrongly accused. In the equation, an incompetent judge, the Superior Council of the Judiciary concluded with regard to him, in 2009: “A lack of rigor characterized in particular in the conduct of hearings and interrogations“.

The documentary series The Outreau affair: a French nightmare retraces one of the greatest legal tragedies in France, details Netflix in its press release. In the early 2000s, in the north of France, the young judge Burgaud is responsible for investigating accusations of pedophilia within a family. But the case becomes more and more complex as the investigation progresses, when other residents of the town also appear to be involved. Between accusations and counter-accusations, the judicial machine is seizing up.”

Tenors of the bar from the North will use their oratorical weapons to reestablish the truth. Among the lawyers, Frank Berton, Eric Dupont-Moretti (current Minister of Justice), Blandine Lejeune, Fabienne Roy Nansionas well as'Hubert Delarue pleaded to extract the merits from this scandal.

Outreau: a legal nightmare will be released on March 15, 2024 on the platform Netflix.

The Outreau affair on France 2: a gripping but problematic docu-fiction

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