The screenwriter of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man talks about the trilogy that didn't see the light of day

The screenwriter of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man talks about the trilogy that didn’t see the light of day

“I wanted Gwen to be killed off in the middle of the second movie,” David Koepp revealed. Finally, she only appeared in the third opus (played by Bryce Dallas Howard) in a very secondary role…

Spider-Man 2 is the favorite film of many fans of the saga – First is one of them, our glowing review of Sam Raimi’s blockbuster is worth reading here. Good news, he will return this evening on TMC. As the channel continues its special Spider-Man cycle, we are re-sharing this interview with David Koepp, initially published in June 2020.

Screenwriter of the first Spiderman by Sam Raimi, David Koepp (Jurassic Park, Mission: Impossible, Snake Eyes, Panic Room…), tells Collider that he had a precise idea for a trilogy which never saw the light of day.

“Basically, my trilogy would have told the story of Gwen Stacey/Harry Osbourne, but it would have been very different (of Raimi’s two suites), he explains. “I wanted Gwen to be killed in the middle of the second film, a bit like The Empire Strikes Back, and I wanted to use different villains. It would have been a different way to tell this story.”

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Ultimately, Gwen Stacy only appeared in the third film, played by Bryce Dallas Howard. But Koepp almost picked up where he left off with the first film. He explains that Sony had contacted him to write the script The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and 3, two episodes carried by Andrew Garfield and no longer Tobey Maguire.

“Maybe seven or eight years ago I was ready to come back, he confides. I wanted to finish the story I started with the first Spiderman. And as we were about to agree, I pulled out my notes from the time and started to map out what these two films would be. And I said to myself: ‘Can’t go back. It’s not the right time anymore (…) There’s no point in trying to recreate it’. So I left.”

Sony finally made the decision to kill Gwen Stacy, this time played by Emma Stone and in an important role, but the reviews were very harsh when the film was released. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014). The disappointing box office of Mark Webb’s film pushed the studio to team up with Marvel Studios and recast The Weaver, and after two solo films, Tom Holland reunited with his two predecessors in No Way Home (2022).

Anne Hathaway and this role in Spider-Man 4 that she never played

The story of Spider-Man 2 :

Torn between his secret identity as Spider-Man and his life as a student, Peter Parker has failed to keep the one he loves, Mary Jane, who is now an actress and dating someone else. Guided solely by his sense of duty, Peter now experiences each of his powers as both a gift and a curse.

Furthermore, the friendship between Peter and Harry Osborn is also threatened. Harry dreams more than ever of taking revenge on Spider-Man, whom he considers responsible for the death of his father.

Peter’s life becomes even more complicated when a new enemy emerges: the formidable Dr. Otto Octavius. Surrounded by the choices and trials that involve both his personal life and the future of the world, Peter must face his destiny and call on all his powers in order to fight on all fronts…

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Spider-Man movies from worst to best

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