This Is Me...Now: Jennifer Lopez's sentimental exhibition (review)

This Is Me…Now: Jennifer Lopez’s sentimental exhibition (review)

The eponymous film from the showgirl’s new album is available on Prime Video.

For the release of his 9th studio album, This Is Me…Now, Jennifer Lopez is also releasing a film under the same title, available on Prime Video. The audiovisual project mixes romcom and musical comedy, with sets that justify the 20 million dollars invested by the star of the program. This one-hour UFO comes to promote his new record, but also to sing the praises of sentimental hope after the storm.

This Is Me…Now makes us take off – not without palpable embarrassment – in this pathetic-narcissistic fresco, where Jennifer Lopez indulges in open-air therapy with exhibitionism. The psychoanalysis borders on self-deprecation, but the tone is solemn when the star’s injuries are mentioned. On what foot should you dance? Should you play the violin? Fortunately, a zodiacal round table comes to the aid of said comedy by competing for the appropriate planetary influence on its sentimental future. Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Taurus take on the Lopez case, in an amusing starry rain of disparate opinions. The stars are personified by familiar faces from the Hollywood landscape: Jane Fondawith whom she shared the poster in His mother or me, Keke Palmer his podium mate in Queensthe rapper Post Malone or Sofia Vergara (Griselda).

In addition to exposing her most intimate wounds, this musical therapy also showcases the performer’s multiple talents (singing, dancing, acting). The logical links between the clips are not established immediately. Their divergence appears rather as a wish granted by the main interested party, who does not hide her (very strong) belief in astrology. Nevertheless, the jerky rhythm offers the titles of the singer’s new eponymous album, which respond with satisfaction to musical expectations.

At the age of 54, Jenny from the Block atones for the suffering linked to his romantic failures, the main excuse to fulfill his dreams of directing. Still in this relentless vein, the convalescent strives to prove that she “still weighs in the game” by perpetually exposing her artistic skills. In an apocalyptic nightmare, a factory is about to implode. The bomb is reflected in the glasses of the main actress. Doesn’t that remind anyone of anything?

She also decides to once again play the battered woman she once was in Never again (2002). And it is with pugnacity that she recycles pop culture, in the light of its great successes from the 2000s to today. Yet another good reason to prove its (omni)presence over time… “It’s a mix of everything I do, music, dance, romantic comedy…”, explained J. LO on BFMTV before the film’s release. Beware of the gloubi-boulga effect!

This Is Me…Now is available on Prime Video. Here is its trailer:

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