Waiting for Bojangles: Virginie Efira, once again irresistible (review)

Waiting for Bojangles: Virginie Efira, once again irresistible (review)

The director of Populaire adapts Olivier Bourdeault’s best-seller. A new devilish romantic episode from the Virginie Efira cinematic universe.

At the beginning of 2022, Virginie Efira and Roman Duris fell in love in Waiting for Bojangles, by Régis Roinsard. A film broadcast for the first time unencrypted on France 2, which First advise you. Here is our review.

When, still a real estate agent, Olivier Bourdeault sent by post his first novel on which he had worked for two years, how can we imagine the success story who will follow? Bestseller covered with awards and laudatory reviews, already adapted into comics, radio plays and theater, its Waiting for Bojangles is experiencing a new life, on the big screen, where we find Camille and Georges, this couple who only see life with their son through the prism of pleasure and fantasy, far from the banality of everyday life. And this until the day when Camille goes a little too far in madness and becomes a threat to herself and others.

After the failure of TranslatorsRégis Roinsard reconnects here with a colorful universe à la Popular, especially in the first part of a story that he manages to make his own without betraying it. By his decision to tell this story from the point of view of Georges (Romain Duris, seductive in an energy close to The Arnacoeur) and not from his son or by frankly distancing himself from the novel in its last part. We feel the filmmaker is more at ease in joyful moments where playfulness is in charge.

But when the tone becomes darker or even desperate, he can rely on Virginie Efira, who is at ease in all registers. From facetiousness to tragedy. Because she knows how to put tragedy into joy and frivolity into drama. It is she who sets the tempo of the story, its bursts of laughter, its moments of great emotion. Even though she’s hitting the screens at a breakneck pace, we never get tired of her!

Trailer :

Virginie Efira: “I was convinced that Adieu les idiots would find its audience”

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