What are we watching this weekend?  François Civil in turmoil, a feminist drama, the Booba series...

What are we watching this weekend? François Civil in turmoil, a feminist drama, the Booba series…

Cinema, streaming, VOD, TV… Find advice from the editorial staff every Friday.

The film in theaters: No waves by Teddy Lussi-Modesyou

Inspired by what he experienced (and was cleared of) as a teacher, Teddy Lussi-Modeste features a teacher (François Civil, remarkable) confronted with a false accusation of harassment by one of his students, a schoolgirl. And brings nuance and complexity to this situation both in the way he looks at this teenager who really felt attacked and at this teacher, little by little abandoned by his superiors, frightened by what will you say. we. No waves doesn't surf on news that regularly makes the headlines, he sheds light on it.

What's new at the cinema this week

The film on VOD: How To Have Sex by Molly Manning Walker

Friends from England arrive at a resort in Crete filled with international wildlife ready for any excess. In the middle of this orgiastic climate, young Tara will have the rather brutal experience of her first time. Directed by one of the spearheads of the revival of viscerally feminist British cinema – closer to Andrea Arnold than to Ken Loach – How To Have Sex intelligently probes the lost illusions of a youth subjected to the dictates of desire.

Watch How To Have Sex on VOD on Première Max

Series : Ourika

Supported by Booba, whom he met by chance during a (real) undercover mission in Miami, the former drug cop, Clément Godart, recounts the explosion of drug trafficking in France and around the world, in based on his experience. A realistic punch series (co-written with a formerGears), which is presented as an intense and electric thriller, and also as a family tragedy in the suburbs. A formidable creation of efficiency, which also offers Booba his very first role on screen.

Watch Ourika on Prime Video

The film on TV: The Suicide Squad by James Gunn

Forget David Ayer's version: even if Margot Robbie returns as Harley Quinn, this new Suicide Squad (2021) no longer has much in common with DC's previous super-villain reunion. The father of Guardians of the Galaxy, James Gunn, has fun plunging his anti-heroes – including a humanoid shark with the voice of Stallone – into situations, each crazier than the last. Their sworn enemy? A giant starfish, of course!

Watch The Suicide Squad Monday April 1 at 9:25 p.m. on TMC

The short movie : The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story

Presented last year at the Annecy animation festival, the short film based on Spider-Verse is finally visible to everyone. A sort of horror thriller that focuses on the inner traumas of Miles Morales. Great success and perfect program to wait for the release of Spider-Man: Beyond The Spider-Verseunfortunately not yet dated…

The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story can be discovered on YouTube.

The classic : Dune (1984)

Did you like them? Dune by Denis Villeneuve? Did you hate them? Whatever your religion on this, perhaps now is a good time to revisit Lynch's version. Hated by just about everyone in their right mind (its fans, Herbert's fans, David himself) upon its release, it took forty years to earn its street cred: that of a dilapidated and fascinating SF fresco (the speech game for example). When Dune has finally become a franchise, the aura of Dune 84 shines more than ever.

Watch Dune streaming on France.TV and on Mubi

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