Why does James Wan love directing Patrick Wilson so much?

Why does James Wan love directing Patrick Wilson so much?

“Patrick is a talented actor. He’s great,” says the director of Insidious and Aquaman 1 and 2.

WhileAquaman and the Lost Kingdom is currently in our cinemas, its director James Wanfamous for its various horror franchises (Saw, Conjuring, Insidious), explains his affection for his favorite actor Patrick Wilson. Comments collected by /Movie : “It’s quite simple. Patrick is a talented actor. It is awesome. It’s really easy to work with him. He doesn’t make a fuss”, explains the filmmaker.

You can hear the argument about ease of work. The collaboration Wilson/Wan dates back to the 2010s, the actor having appeared in six of the director’s films without counting all those of which he is solely the producer. Moreover according to James Wan, Patrick Wilson is an inveterate film buff and his move to directing was only a matter of time: “He’s such a movie buff, which surprised some people a little when he wanted to move into directing. He then made the new Insidiousbut not for me” he says.

Effectively, Insidious: The Red Door, the fifth installment of the franchise, marks the actor’s debut behind the camera, although he also reprises his flagship role of Josh Lambert, the father with a gift for astral projection. He also reprises his role as the brother ofAquaman in The Lost Kingdoma powerful Atlantean launched on an epic quest alongside Jason Momoa.

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Eventually, James Wan sums up this fruitful collaboration in the simplest possible way, all of this being above all a matter of friendship between the two men: “I spent many years hanging out with Patrick on set, and we would just have fun and talk about all the movies we loved growing up. So I’m not at all surprised that Patrick aspires to do more things behind the camera. I like working with this guy”.

He understands me, I understand him, and we kind of have a very abbreviated way of working. We trust each other and that makes things fun. Making a film can be very stressful, so it’s nice to surround yourself with people you enjoy working with”, he concludes. The understanding on a set between an actor and his director makes it possible to obtain a better rendering in the image, it is well known. It’s up to you to check it out by going to see Aquaman and the Lost Kingdomcurrently in cinemas.

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