Why Griselda's ending seems botched: the creator's explanations

Why Griselda’s ending seems botched: the creator’s explanations

Eric Newman reveals what made him end the last episode this way…

Fascinating thriller in the vein of Narcos, Griselda is an addictive thriller that works on all cylinders for the first 5 episodes. Then the finale moves very quickly and seems to quite quickly conclude the life of Griselda Blanco. Spoiler alert!

Indeed, we see her getting arrested in Miami. Then go to prison. Growing old behind bars. Learning of the death of his children. And There you go. A short sentence just before the credits reveals that the drug trafficker was murdered shortly after her release from prison, in the middle of the street.

The co-creator, Eric Newmanexplains why the series didn’t show any of this, even though his assassination was planned in an original version of the script:

When it comes to her children and how she felt about them, there is no denying that she loved her children, even though she may have suffered from some sort of narcissistic personality disorder and through them she saw her children as an extension of herself… In any case, we had the impression while filming the series that the time elapsed between the death of her children and her own word was a horrible purgatory, or worse. .. I think that death, in a way, probably came to her as a release from the grief and trauma that she had to suffer.”comments the showrunner in Collider.

The screenwriter of Griselda specifies that all these dramas occurred during her years in New York, and with her second husband. A period that they did not wish to explore in the series:

“She was a pretty successful drug dealer in New York. Those were things that we took into account, and that were, at one point, in our script. But we really felt like the more version specific to the story is the one we filmed: you meet Griselda at her lowest point, she has everything to lose and nothing in the bank, except for a kilo of cocaine that she has to sell. We are even ready to accept that she deals, if it allows her to raise her head and she simply manages to build a better life for her children. And then suddenly, she discovers: my children are dead, I lost decades of my life, and the The tragedy is total. The story is complete in this moment.”

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