McDonald's will be at the heart of season 2 of Loki

Why Loki season 2 is making such an ad for McDonald’s

The director explains: “Sylvie has been on the run for so long that she is happy to see normal people.”

Even before the launch of season 2, the producers had to justify themselves on the massive advertising made to McDonald’s restaurants in the sequel to Loki. And after episode 2, showing Sylvie working at a fast food restaurant, a new text justification was needed.

It’s director Dan Deleeuw who tackles it in Variety. He begins by saying that the production of Loki initially considered another restaurant to make Sylvie work on Earth, but it didn’t work out:

“We started thinking about RoxBurger – you know, in reference to the evil corporation from the Marvel universe, Roxxon. But that locked the story behind a fake restaurant. So we turned to McDonald’s. Because McDonald’s is timeless in a way: the brand has crossed countries and borders. Everyone in production started talking about a nostalgic moment they had at McDonald’s. This frankness allowed us to immediately make the public understand the Sylvie’s feeling at this moment: she has been on the run for so long, that she is happy to see normal people. She just wants that, normality, and to leave everything else behind. We use McDonald’s so that the public can pick that up quickly. That’s what kind of sealed the deal on using McDonald’s.”

Lokiseason 2, will continue Friday on Disney Plus.

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