Why Russell T. Davies wanted to come back to do Doctor Who

Why Russell T. Davies wanted to come back to do Doctor Who

The man who (re)gave the nobility to the old BBC Doctor 20 years ago is back in charge, with the worldwide successes Years and Years and It's a Sin. He reveals to us why he wanted to return to the Tardis.

It was he who left Doctor Who formalin, at the beginning of the 21st century. More than 15 years after the end of the old English series – abandoned in 1989 after 26 seasons – Russell T. Davies decided to bring back Doctor Who to life, with a brand new version dusted off, modernized, and worn by a certain Christopher Eccleston. At the end of four successful seasons at the helm of the Tardis, having succeeded in his improbable venture to relaunch the phenomenon, the Welsh screenwriter handed over to Steven Moffat (Sherlock). Then it's Chris Chiball (Broadchurch) who took care of continuing the inheritance.

During this time, Russell T. Davies developed other projects, without ever taking his eyes off his good Doctor : “I never stopped loving Doctor Who. Even after I stopped, I continued to watch the series all the time“, he confides to Première. “I watch Doctor Who since the age of 3! It’s my first memory of television.”

After creating two of the most important series of the decade – Years and Years (2019) and It's a Sin (2021) – Russell T. Davies finally decided to return to Doctor Who, in 2023, a little more than twelve years after letting go of the reins. A spectacular return combined with the debut of Ncuti Gatwa, who will be available to watch from today on Disney+ in France.

Why such a comeback? “Because I had kept things under my belt during my first stint, ideas that continued to bubble up in my head and that I wanted to bring to the screen.”he justifies. “And then I wanted to come back to participate in the era of streaming that we know, that of Marvel series and Stranger Things. I love those series.”

This era of streaming also means more resources for the small screen, which is not to displease Russell T. Davies :

“The BBC has decided to develop Doctor Who internationally, by signing a partnership with the Disney Plus platform (which now broadcasts in France). This co-production has injected cash, which makes it possible to raise the visual level of the series. It's beautiful today as Doctor Who deserves to be…”

So what will the new episodes of Russell T. Davies ? Has the showrunner adored by Tardis fans changed in all this time? Was he influenced by the success of Years and Years And It's a Sin ? “I have certainly matured. I'm probably wiser. A little better”, he smiled. “In truth, above all, I have a better approach to this type of massive production. I know better how to manage the schedule, the money. Because it’s a big machine Doctor Who. But basically, I haven't changed that much actually! Doctor Who existed before my passage, it survived without me and it will continue after me.

Doctor Who, season 14, to watch on Disney Plus in France from Saturday May 11, 2024 in France.

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